Tuesday, May 15, 2018

First day in Bucerias!!!!

Hello! I have finally arrived in Mexico (a day late) and I am so happy to be here. I am looking forward to submerging myself into the culture and learning about the people here as well as their life styles. I want to be able to understand more Spanish. I am super passionate about social entrepreneurship and I hope that while I am here I am able to point out opportunities for change. Something else I hope to get out of this internship is a professional business experience. I want to be able to apply the skills I have learned in the College of Business to the work I do here. I am looking forward to my first week working with Human Connections and starting on our project!


  1. So glad you made it Emily! I'm looking forward to seeing your progress over the next four weeks. -Renique

  2. Hmmm, been a week since your last (and only) update?!!
