Thursday, June 14, 2018

Sorry for the delay, we didn't have wifi for the majority of our last week in Mexico.

Something that has impacted me in a positive way would be the people. Everyone is so kind and friendly. Walking down the streets, five people will say hello to you or ask how you are in the first three minutes. That's amazing to me because no one really does that back home. Everyone is normally too busy to worry about anyone else. Being here has created a better understanding of a few things for me such as power, privilege, culture, and diversity. Privilege is real. It's a difficult concept because I don't understand why it still exists, but being a different race can create privilege. However, some of the people I met in Mexico went against every barrier they had and are now striving. They have a family, they have income, and they are happy. Culture is beautiful. It's about the stories rooting back to when time first began, meals that have been served in a house since it was built, and a common understanding of unity. Diversity is important. Diversity creates the best relationships because everyone has something to bring to  the table. The group I traveled with was very diverse. We all came from different backgrounds and ethnicities but we had the most amazing bond. Power is still hard for me to understand. Why do some have power and others don't? Money? Fear of them? A gun? I am not sure. One day I hope power will become positive and people won't abuse the role.